Class Luncheon II - 2025

Happy New Year! We hope all of you had a wonderful holiday with your family!

We are writing to you regarding a change of date for the class luncheon. We were scheduled for May 12th but because of a scheduling conflict we have changed the date to April 28th at the Plumsteadville Inn from 12 noon to 3pm. The menu will be the same as last year and the cost will be $30 per person or $55 for a couple. We would love to see you and you will have the opportunity to visit with other classmates. Those who responded “yes” on the last email please respond again because of the date change, and please respond by February 15th using the attached response. We will send a follow-up email to those attending with menu choices and payment dates.

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* Answer Required
1)   * Will you attend the luncheon on April 28th at Plumsteadville Inn?

Yes No
Please answer yes or no.